
If you find this website useful, we would appreciate it if you would cite the following paper:

McShane, B.B. and Böckenholt, U. (2017), 'Single Paper Meta-analysis: Benefits for Study Summary, Theory-testing, and Replicability.' Journal of Consumer Research , 43(6), 1048-1063.

If there are differences in the measurement scales used for the dependent measure across studies, we recommend using this website instead of the SPMeta website. See FAQ #5 of the Tutorial for details.

The SPMeta website is not limited to only the the meta-analysis of the set of studies contained in a single paper. See FAQ #8 of the Tutorial for details.

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Summary Data from Experiments


Contrast Estimates

Condition Estimates

Heterogeneity Estimates

Single Experiment Sample Size Requirements

Note: This gives the sample size per condition required to achieve 80% power for each contrast. Inf means that 80% power cannot be achieved.

Meta-analysis Sample Size Requirements

Note: This gives the sample size per condition per experiment required to achieve 80% power for each contrast in a meta-analysis of 2, 3, 4, and 5 experiments. Inf means that 80% power cannot be achieved.

Contrast Estimated Variance-Covariance Matrix

Condition Estimated Variance-Covariance Matrix